2023, 2024: Teaching COMP 693 "Advanced Topics in Computer Systems: Quantum Computing Systems, Compilers, and Architectures" at Rice University (Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
2024: Teaching COMP 458/558 "Quantum Computing Algorithms" at Rice University (Spring 2024)
2023: Organized tutorial "Practical Quantum Machine Learning on Current Quantum Computers" at ACM SIGMETRICS Conference (SIGMETRICS)
2022: Teaching assistant for "EECE 7352: Computer Architecture" at Northeastern University
2021: Organized tutorial "Bayesian Optimization Methods for Computer Systems and Architecture Research" at IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC)
Invited Talks
2024: "Reconfiguring Analog Rydberg Atom Quantum Computers for Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks" at the 1st workshop on Advancing Quantum Computation Beyond Gate-Model (BGM2024), and Rice University events
2024: "Quantum Computing: Nature's Way of Computing" at Bellaire High School
2023: "Robust System Software Support for Quantum Computing" at Quantum Computing at Davis and Rice University events
2022: "Developing Robust System Software Support for Quantum Computing" at Notre Dame-MIT Quantum Computer Systems Lecture Series
2022: "Robust Quantum Circuit Approximation for Resource-Efficient Synthesis" at American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting
2021-2022: "Quantum Computing: The Original Way of Computing" at Northeastern University courses: (1) EECE 5640: High-Performance Computing (Fall 2021 and Spring 2022), (2) EECE 3324: Computer Architecture (Fall 2021), and (3) EECE 7352: Computer Architecture (Spring 2022)
2024: "Quantum Global Perspectives" panel at Pasqal Quantum Computing for Energy Meeting
2022: "Domain Scientists vs. Performance Analysis Tools: Advancing in HPC" panel at PERMAVOST 2022 (held with HPDC 2022)
2022: "Student Experience of Tirthak Patel" feature video at Northeastern University